Friday, March 11, 2011

verse with blurry photos of boys

Little boys with hair of gold
Love me even when I'm old.
Love me when my hair is gray
Come and kiss me anyway.
Bring me colas, lemonade to drink
Come and see me week by week.
Bring your children, let them run
And I'll remember when their dads were young.
-Carrie to Luke & Pete

Luke, Pete, aluminum foil belts, wrist bands, and hats


In the photo above, Luke and I are in the background. I'm making dinner and Luke is keeping me company.
Lately Luke likes to sit cross-legged on the counter while listening to various cds to see which ones he likes.


Reluctant Nomad said...

Funny. . . I think we bought little brother the same guitar for Christmas. Great minds!!!!

Hurricane Hansens said...

Love your poem!!